orth otics
Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre provides complete in-house custom foot orthotic patient services. Orthotic devices help improve balance, accommodate foot abnormalities and control lower limb problems. Many athletes and active individuals with unusual foot structure or poor biomechanics rely on orthotic devices for both injury prevention and performance enhancement.

Why see a pedorthist?
A pedorthist is an individual who is trained in the assessment, design, manufacture, fit and modification of foot appliances and footwear for the purposes of alleviating painful or debilitating conditions and providing assistance for abnormalities or limited actions of the lower limbs.
The pedorthist provides devices and footwear to assist in:
Accommodation of foot deformities
Re-alignment of anatomical structures
Redistribution of external and internal forces
Improvement of balance
Control of biomechanical function
Accommodation of circulatory special requirements
Enhancement of the actions of limbs compromised as a result of accident, congenital deformity, neural condition, or disease.
What we do:
Comprehensive Assessment - ROM, biomechanical gait analysis
Education - shoe recommendations
Casting - wide variety of casting methods are utilized to capture a 3 dimensional model of the foot to produce a fully custom foot orthotic
Pick up appointment - orthotics can be manufactured within 1-2 weeks from assessment date. During the pickup appointment, the orthotic will be properly fitted into your shoes and instructions will be given on how to wear and take care of the new orthotics.
Follow ups - are included in the original price, for a period of 6 months
Adjustments - are included in the original price, for a period of 6 months

How are we different from others?
Quality service and care are our prime objectives, thus we perform an in-depth gait analysis and biomechanical assessment. Unlike some of the orthotic systems on the market today, our method of fabrication is developed from a 3 dimensional cast of the foot. We use a variety of casting systems, including impression foam, plaster wrap casting, slipper (fibre glass) cast, which allows the practitioner to control subtalar neutral.
Our pedorthic staff is certified by the Canadian College of Pedorthics and members of the Pedorthic Association of Canada.
We will cover any orthotic adjustments on site for up to 6+ months after the distribution of our device, at no extra cost to the client.
We offer a wide variety of orthotics for a variety of footwear, including dress shoes, pumps, loafers, and of course, oxford shoes.
Our orthotics come in a variety of colours and materials.
We have a small selection of orthopaedic shoes and orthotic-friendly casual shoes and athletic sandals.
Our laboratory is locally located and orthotics adjustments can be made on site at our clinics.
We value the team approach, and work closely with physicians, specialists, nurse practitioners, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and kinesiologists. This relationship is valuable to all parties involved, both the health professional and the client.
Visit www.footbyfoot.ca for more information