safety Protocols
The World Health Organization declared the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19 a pandemic. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and spreads primarily from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Waterloo Sports Medicine Centre (WSMC) has put extensive preventative measures in place by following the guidelines set out by The Ministry of Health and our various regulatory bodies. Though we are doing everything we can to try to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 during your visit to WSMC, there is still the possibility of contracting COVID-19 when exposed to people or environments where an infected individual has been. The information below outlines the Policies and Procedures that WSMC has put into place to try to keep all of our staff and clients safe.

We are open! Watch this short video to see the measures we have put in place to try to ensure the safety of our staff and clients.
Mandatory for In-person Appointments
COVID-19 Screening Tool: You will receive a COVID-19 screen by email approximately 2 hours before your appointment. It must be filled out before you are able to enter the clinic. If you answer 'yes' to any of the questions on the screen we ask that you call the clinic to cancel/reschedule your appointment or change it to a virtual appointment if possible.
You must bring and wear a mask to your appointment. Please have it on, covering both your mouth and nose, before entering the front doors and wear it at all times while at the clinic.
Upon entering and exiting the clinic please use the hand sanitizer dispenser that is located right inside the front doors.
Please wait outside or in your car until the time of your appointment. For all appointments except when seeing the Sports Medicine Physicians you will not have to check in at the front desk. Follow the appropriate signage (Physio, Massage, etc) and your provider will meet you and bring you back to your treatment area. We are trying to have as much of a 'contactless' front desk as possible.
Please maintain an appropriate physical distance (2 meters) at all times when possible in the clinic.
Additional Policies, Procedures and Measures in place
All staff and medical providers will be wearing the recommended Personal Protective equipment (PPE).
A mandatory daily COVID-19 screening will be performed on all staff and they will be asked to stay home if they are sick or do not pass the screening tool.
Virtual Appointments are still recommended: Many conditions are well-suited to continue treating through virtual treatment platforms. Your provider will be responsible for determining if coming into the clinic for treatment outweighs the risks. We are recommending that all assessments at least begin with a virtual meeting for the provider to determine the appropriate avenue of treatment.
Washrooms will be locked and only available on request to ensure we can properly clean between uses. Please be aware of this before you come to your appointment. Change-rooms will not be available. You will be given time to change in a private treatment area when needed, but please try to come ready for your visit.
Come to the appointment by yourself, unless it is essential that someone accompanies you to the appointment. (ie: If the appointment is for a child). We will be making a record of all additional visitors and they will be required to complete a COVID-19 screen and wear a mask. When appropriate we will ask all additional persons to wait outside.
The front desk has been moved to be more compliant with physical distancing guidelines. In addition to moving the desk we have installed a glass barrier to create separation if you do need to stop at the front desk.
We want to limit exposure and contact with our front desk staff by trying not to have check-ins or payments on the way out. We offer direct billing for most insurance companies or we will be sending you an invoice electronically.
Any invoice or paperwork will be send electronically.
We have also built-in additional time between appointments to allow for the mandatory cleaning protocols that need to be performed.
We are staggering appointment times in an effort to reduce congestion at the front doors and desk.
Physiotherapy follow-up treatment visits will be limited to 30 minutes. This will allow us to maintain distancing guidelines, minimize contact time with clients and provide the necessary time to clean and disinfect.
Mandatory COVID-19 Screening Tool